What to Pack for Arizona Weather
Most people think of hot and dry desert when they think of Arizona weather. However, weather in Arizona varies greatly depending on what part of the state you are visiting and what time of year.
All Aboard the Polar Express Grand Canyon Railway
All Aboard the Polar Express. Getting a ticket on the Polar Express Grand Canyon Railway, is a tradition for many Arizona families. Every winter, the spirit of Christmas comes alive on this journey to the “North Pole.”
Road Trip to See Quartz Crystals: Petrified Forest National Park
Millions of years ago the Petrified Forest was a lush living forest. Then at some point the trees fell. They were carried away by water and the trees were covered in silt. Today the area doesn’t resemble the forest of two million years ago. It’s unlike any “forest” you’ve ever seen.
Fun Fall Activities in Arizona
Pumpkins, apple cider, hot chocolate. Autumn is almost here. Even though we may still have triple digit temperatures you can feel a change in the air. By this time of year I am ready to grab a sweater or a flannel shirt, exchange my flip flops for fluffy socks and boots to welcome cooler temperatures. And of course search for some fun fall activities preferably where I can see Arizona fall colors.