USA Travel Inspiration
Things to see and adventures in the USA-
21 Indoor Kid Activities in Phoenix
Saying Phoenix summers are hot is an understatement. So, where do you take the kids for fun when it is 110 degrees in the shade? Here is a list of kid-friendly indoor activities in Phoenix.
Arizona Native American Ruins: See One of the Largest Pueblos at Tuzigoot
Tuzigoot is a national monument and one of the best preserved Arizona Native American Ruins. Arizona’s Verde Valley is home to remnants of one of the largest pueblos built by the Sinagua.
Day Trip to Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam is a day trip from Las Vegas or a stop on the way from northern Arizona to Nevada. If you are in the area it is worth the trip to see. You can view the the dam from several different vantage points.
Page Arizona: Magical Canyons and Secret Beaches
As part of a road trip from Arizona to Colorado we spent a few days in northern Arizona to explore it’s magical canyons and secret beaches. With just over 7,000 residents, Page, Arizona is the largest city in the area.