Where the Pavement Ends: Off-roading in Sedona
Off-roading in Arizona is a popular activity. Sedona has so many cool trails available for off-roading. While you can choose to take a guided jeep tour, with a proper vehicle (SUV, Hummer or Jeep) Sedona’s dirt roads can be a fun inexpensive off the beaten path adventure.
Day Trip to Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Arizona
Out of Africa Wildlife Park is just north of Phoenix in Camp Verde, about 30 miles from Sedona. The park is nestled right up against the Mingus Mountains. This park is all about the big cats.
Tubing Down Arizona’s Salt River
Floating down the cold Salt River is a perfect way to cool off and relax on a hot summer day. The scenery in Tonto National park is beautiful. You can bring two cars, and your own tubes and spend the day on the river or you can rent a tube and get a ride with Salt River Tubing. Salt River Tubing is located in Mesa, just outside of Phoenix.
Tusayan Indian Ruins In the Grand Canyon
Visiting the Grand Canyon? If you want to see how the Pueblo Indians lived over 800 years ago stop by the Tusayan Native American ruin and museum. This national historic site is located within the Grand Canyon National Park.