USA Travel Inspiration
Things to see and adventures in the USA-
Is Kauai the Best Island in Hawaii?
Is Kauai the best island in Hawaii? We think so. Kauai is a laid-back gorgeous island, truly relaxing.
Exploring Ancient Flagstaff Arizona Cliff Dwellings
Just east of Flagstaff you can see cliff dwellings at Walnut Canyon. You can see Native American Indian Ruins, Sinagua dwellings date back some 700 years. There is a small visitor center and two trails available to hike.
Desert View Drive: The Grand Canyon Watchtower
For a little less congestion drive east on Desert View Drive for the next 23-miles. The free shuttle buses do not come this way, so if you want to see the east side of the canyon you’ll need a car. This side of the canyon, in my opinion, is better because there are less people.
A Weekend in Tombstone the Town too Tough to Die
The old west mining town of Tombstone, Arizona is 75 miles southeast of Tucson. Tombstone was often referred to as the “town too tough to die.” Silver worth millions of dollars found deep in the mines attracted people. In it’s heyday, Tombstone’s population was up to 10,000 inhabitants.